Cameron designs, develops, qualifies and manufactures the industry’s broadest portfolio of ASME and API valves that services the demands of global drilling, production, pipeline, storage, transmission, and critical service applications.
Our unmatched experience has allowed us to create a seamless process that integrates industry best practices with comprehensive support and services.
We have the flexibility required to accommodate requirements that may arise from plant shutdowns, refurbishments, or any other type of fast-track requirements. Consequently, we work with EPC contractors, oil and gas producers, pipeline operators, refiners, and other process owners. All machining and testing are carried out in-house.
All the types of shut off valves are available e.g. (ball, gate, butterfly, check, plug valves,..) that can cover a wide range of small & big sizes for all the industrial pressure classes. The manual/ actuated valves are supplied according to our clients’ need.